Bulk Update Layer Items

You can use Layer Update to update items in FusionGraph from a spreadsheet using their FusionGraph Keys

Instead of updating items individually on the canvas view. You can update the properties, connections, classifications and parents of hundreds of items within a layer at once using the Layer Update following the steps below.

Step 1 - Setting up the Required Fields in the Spreadsheet.

Your spreadsheet must contain a FusionGraph Key column (called 'FusionGraph Key'), containing the FusionGraph Key of each item you wish to update. The FusionGraph Key for each item can be obtained from the Layer Export.

FusionGraph Key

Step 2 - Setting up Optional Fields in the Spreadsheet.

Your spreadsheet may contain any additional fields relating to an item's property, connections to items in other layers, or to set classification. Please note the following conditions:

  • Dates must be in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • Columns can be used to specify other item fields such as Description (to provide a more detailed description of the item), Links (to provide URL links to another information source) or Custom fields (if defined).
  • For connections to items in other layers, make sure the connection is created first.
  • Reparenting Items. Parents are connected via their FusionGraph Key which can be obtained from the Layer Export. If you wish to reparent an item you need to specify the required FusionGraph Key of the new parent item.
  • Connections to items in different layers are based on the name specified. If a new item connects to multiple items within the same layer, they can be separated by a comma. For example, below for item Ref7, a connection will be made to both America and UK in the Geography Layer. Note that to successfully connect items, the source file needs to contain the exact name(s) of the connection data items.
  • For setting classifications, make sure the classification has been created and exists first. Note that the text in the source file must be an exact match to the FusionGraph classification value otherwise nothing will be set.

Layer Update Example

Step 3 - Download the spreadsheet into a CSV format.

FusionGraph only accepts CSV format so the spreadsheet must be first saved into this format before loading.

Step 4 - Open the Integration tab on FusionGraph.


Step 5 - Click OrgGraph / FactGraph / PlanGraph and Start on Layer Import.

Select Layer Update

Step 6 - Layer Selection

Select which layer you want to import to & give your import an appropriate name. Then press 'Upload CSV & Import' and select your Downloaded CSV.

Upload Layer Update

Error Checking:

  • If you see 'Unable to determine FusionGraph Key column from imported CSV' then your CSV does not contain a column called 'FusionGraph Key'. To fix this rename your FusionGraph Key column header to 'FusionGraph Key' and try again.
  • If you see 'WARNING! Duplicates of the following keys were found...' then your FusionGraph Key column is not unique. You may continue with the import, although items with the same FusionGraph Key may not be updated correctly. To fix this check your FusionGraph Key column for duplicate values and try again.

If all has gone well you should see a CSV Import Summary table.

STEP 7 - CSV Import Summary Table

Each column of the imported CSV has been turned into a row on this table. The FusionGraph Key column has been automatically assigned. By default, the optional fields will not be imported. To import them, specify what the optional field is (Property, Connection to items in other layers or Classification connection) then from the dropdown select which property / connection it is.

If you want to reparent items, select 'Property' for your parent key column then 'Parent Key' in the dropdown.

Layer Update Table

PLEASE NOTE: If you accidentally click Property/Connection/Classification for a column you do not want to import. You can select 'Do NOT Import This Column' from the dropdown to deselect it.

Create New Items in Connected Layers

If 'Connection' is selected for any row, an option of creating new items for connected layers will appear at the bottom of the table.

  • If "For 'Connection' only connect to existing items" is selected, then new items will not be created in connected layers. For example if UK is not an existing item in Geography, it will not be created and therefore connections will not be made to it.
  • If "For 'Connection' create if it does not exist" is selected, then new items will be created in connected layers. For example if UK is not an existing item in Geography, it will be created underneath the layer (level 1) and connections will be made to it.

STEP 8 - Finish Import

Once every row has a ✅ you can press 'Finish Import' to start importing the data into FusionGraph. For large spreadsheets this may take a while and will continue in the background.