What is Impact Assessment in FusionGraph?

Learn about how to use Impact Assessment in FusionGraph

See the impact of actions on business process, technology and strategy, relate them back to the pains they address. 

Impact Assessment allows you to look at all connections to your Knowledge Item. 

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The Discover All Connections function defaults to 1 step away with the option to explore impacted items that are 2 steps away.

A new impact assessment option is now available to allow connections to child items to also be returned to the canvas.

  • Direct Connections will run the impact assessment on the selected item/s only, returning layer items that are directly connected to them.
  • Direct and Child Connections will expand out the selected item to show and select any children too, before then running the impact assessment to return layer items that are directly connected to this selected family.
    For example, if business processes are connected to the Geographies UK, France and Germany (which are children of EMEA), if EMEA is selected and an impact assessment run against the business process layer, then items will only be return for the 'Direct and Child Connections' option.